Aggregation is a special form of association. It is a relationship between two classes like association, however its a directional association, which means it is strictly a one way association. It represents a HAS-A relationship.
Aggregation Example in Java
For example consider two classes Student
class and Address
class. Every student has an address so the relationship between student and address is a Has-A relationship. But if you consider its vice versa then it would not make any sense as an Address
doesn’t need to have a Student
necessarily. Lets write this example in a java program.
Student Has-A Address
class Address { int streetNum; String city; String state; String country; Address(int street, String c, String st, String coun) { this.streetNum=street; =c; this.state = st; = coun; } } class StudentClass { int rollNum; String studentName; //Creating HAS-A relationship with Address class Address studentAddr; StudentClass(int roll, String name, Address addr){ this.rollNum=roll; this.studentName=name; this.studentAddr = addr; } public static void main(String args[]){ Address ad = new Address(55, "Agra", "UP", "India"); StudentClass obj = new StudentClass(123, "Chaitanya", ad); System.out.println(obj.rollNum); System.out.println(obj.studentName); System.out.println(obj.studentAddr.streetNum); System.out.println(; System.out.println(obj.studentAddr.state); System.out.println(; } }
123 Chaitanya 55 Agra UP India
The above example shows the Aggregation between Student and Address classes. You can see that in Student class I have declared a property of type Address to obtain student address. Its a typical example of Aggregation in Java.
Why we need Aggregation?
To maintain code re-usability. To understand this lets take the same example again. Suppose there are two other classes College
and Staff
along with above two classes Student
and Address
. In order to maintain Student’s address, College Address and Staff’s address we don’t need to use the same code again and again. We just have to use the reference of Address class while defining each of these classes like:
Student Has-A Address (Has-a relationship between student and address) College Has-A Address (Has-a relationship between college and address) Staff Has-A Address (Has-a relationship between staff and address)
Hence we can improve code re-usability by using Aggregation relationship.
So if I have to write this in a program, I would do it like this:
class Address { int streetNum; String city; String state; String country; Address(int street, String c, String st, String coun) { this.streetNum=street; =c; this.state = st; = coun; } } class StudentClass { int rollNum; String studentName; //Creating HAS-A relationship with Address class Address studentAddr; StudentClass(int roll, String name, Address addr){ this.rollNum=roll; this.studentName=name; this.studentAddr = addr; } ... } class College { String collegeName; //Creating HAS-A relationship with Address class Address collegeAddr; College(String name, Address addr){ this.collegeName = name; this.collegeAddr = addr; } ... } class Staff { String employeeName; //Creating HAS-A relationship with Address class Address employeeAddr; Staff(String name, Address addr){ this.employeeName = name; this.employeeAddr = addr; } ... }
As you can see that we didn’t write the Address code in any of the three classes, we simply created the HAS-A relationship with the Address class to use the Address code. The dot dot(…) part in the above code can be replaced with the public static void main method, the code in it would be similar to what we have seen in the first example.
Arunkumar says
It says NULL pointer Exception in this line
Chaitanya Singh says
Hi ArunKumar,
Did you copy the code correctly? Please verify it once. The code given in the tutorial is already tested and it is not throwing any error.
Arunkumar says
This is my program and it shows
Nisha says
Hi Arun,
It seems like you didnt understood the purpose of aggregation. You havent used it in your program. I have made some changes in your program. Hope it helps..
public class Aggregation_Example {
String name;
int age;
String addre;
public Aggregation(String name,int age,String addre)
this.addre=addre;//this you should use cos this makes a relationship with your another class
public static void main(String x[])throws Exception// specify main method in your main class
Aggregation_Example btn=new Aggregation_Example (“arun”,23,”Chennai”);
// you should pass btn object which contains address which you can access in Student class
Student stud=new Student(“10th”,’A’,btn);
class Student
Aggregation_Example agrn;
String nameClass;
char c;
Student(String classWhich,char section,Aggregation_Example address)
this.agrn=address; // you havent used in your example which raised a nullpointer exception
Ilir says
Thanks for the explanation. I am taking the OCA Java SE7 Programmer I exam, and needed to understand aggregation. Now I have an understanding of aggregation. Good example. I didn’t try it out, but I came for understanding the mean of aggregation, which I understand now.
AmanG says
hello, please tell me some important less known points about aggregation which i must know while explaining it to anyone.
Gautam says
Here is a simple example program on aggregation
class HardDisk
public void writedata()
System.out.println(“data is being written”);
class Dell
public static void main(String[]args)
HardDisk segate= new HardDisk();
*** class A is in HAS-A relationship with Class B if Class A holds the reference of class B
HERE segate is a reference of HardDisk in class Dell
so, Dell HAS-A HardDisk
Anurag says
Does It means that aggregation is closely related to inheritance and it has much to do with access specifier?
abhi says
Lets say an Interface and a Class.
interface I {
class C {
Is it possible to have a Has-A relation between these two ? Please reply.