Python is a very simple yet very powerful object oriented programming language. The syntax of Python is very simple so a beginner can learn Python with ease. I have covered Python language in several separate python tutorials, this is the main Python tutorial page that has links to all the tutorials I have shared on Python. This tutorial is for both beginners and advanced Python learners.
I recommend you to read and practice the tutorials in the given order.
Python Tutorial
1. Introduction to Python Programming
2. How to install Python on your system
3. Install PyCharm IDE on Mac OS X, Windows, Linux/Unix – This is the IDE which we are using in all the tutorials. You can write, compile and run Python programs on this IDE effortlessly.
4. Creating you first Python Project in PyCharm IDE
5. Python Comments
Control Statements and loops:
1. if statement
2. if..else statement
3. if..elif..else statement
4. Nested if..else statement
5. for loop
6. while loop
7. break statement
8. continue statement
9. pass statement
Data types:
1. Python numbers
2. Python List
3. Python String
4. Python tuple
Python functions:
1. Functions in Python with example
2. Recursion with example
Python OOPs:
1. Python OOPs
2. Python class and object
3. Constructors in Python
Try these examples to practice various Python programming topics.
Python programming examples
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