Assignment operators are used to assign value to a variable. The left side of an assignment operator is a variable and on the right side, there is a value, variable, or an expression. It computes the outcome of the right side and assign the output to the variable present on the left side. C supports following Assignment operators:
1. Simple Assignment = Operator Example
This is one of the simplest assignment operator, it simply assigns the right side value to the left side operand.
#include <stdio.h> int main () { int n; //integer variable char ch; //character variable float f; //float variable // Simple assignment operator to assign values to variables n = 1; ch = 'A'; f = 15.565f; // Displaying the values of all the variables printf("The value assigned to 'n': %d", n); printf("\nThe value assigned to 'ch': %c ", ch); printf("\nThe value assigned to 'f': %f ", f); return 0; }
2. += Operator Example
The += assignment operator is a combination of + arithmetic operator and = simple assignment operator. For example, x += y;
is equivalent to x = x+y;
It adds the right side value to the value of left side operand and assign the result back to the left-hand side operand.
#include <stdio.h> int main () { int x = 100, y = 20, z = 50; // += Operator demonstration x += 10; y += 10; z += 10; //Display values after += operations printf("Value of variable x: %d", x); printf("\nValue of variable y: %d", y); printf("\nValue of variable z: %d", z); return 0; }
Value of variable x: 110 Value of variable y: 30 Value of variable z: 60
3. -= Operator Example
The -= assignment operator is a combination of – and = operators. It subtracts the right side value from the left side value and assign the result to left side operand. For example, x -= y;
is equivalent to x = x-y;
#include <stdio.h> int main () { int x = 100, y = 20, z = 50; // -= Operator demonstration x -= 50; y -= 10; z -= 5; //Print variable's values after -= operations printf("Value of variable x: %d", x); printf("\nValue of variable y: %d", y); printf("\nValue of variable z: %d", z); return 0; }
Value of variable x: 50 Value of variable y: 10 Value of variable z: 45
4. *= Operator Example
The *= assignment operator is a combination of * and = operators. It multiplies the right side value to the left side value and assign the product of these numbers to the left side variable. For example, x *= y;
is equivalent to x = x*y;
#include <stdio.h> int main () { int x = 100, y = 20, z = 50; // *= Operator to multiply the value of left operand // by the value of right operand x *= 2; y *= 10; z *= 1; //Displaying values after *= assignment operations printf("Value of variable x: %d", x); printf("\nValue of variable y: %d", y); printf("\nValue of variable z: %d", z); return 0; }
Value of variable x: 200 Value of variable y: 200 Value of variable z: 50
5. /= Operator Example
The /= assignment operator is a combination of / and = operators. It divides the left side operand by the right side operand and assign the quotient value of this division to the left side variable. For example, x /= y;
is equivalent to x = x / y;
#include <stdio.h> int main () { int num1 = 100, num2 = 50, div; // The / operator returns the quotient value div = num1 / num2; printf("Value of num1: %d", num1); printf("\nValue of num2: %d", num2); printf("\nValue of num1 / num2 is: %d", div); return 0; }
6. %= Operator Example
The %= assignment operator is a combination of % and = operators. It divides the left side operand by the right side operand and assign the remainder value to the left side variable. For example, x %= y;
is equivalent to x = x % y;
#include <stdio.h> int main () { int num1 = 100, num2 = 50, mod; // The Modulus % operator returns the remainder after division mod = num1 % num2; printf("Value of num1: %d", num1); printf("\nValue of num2: %d", num2); printf("\nRemainder after dividing num1 by num2 is: %d", mod); return 0; }