In this post, we will see programs to convert decimal number to an equivalent binary number. We will see two Python programs, first program does the conversion using a user defined function and in the second program we are using a in-built function bin() for the decimal to binary conversion.
1. Decimal to Binary conversion using recursive function
In this program we have defined a function decimalToBinary() for the conversion. This function takes the decimal number as an input parameter and converts it into an equivalent binary number.
def decimalToBinary(num): """This function converts decimal number to binary and prints it""" if num > 1: decimalToBinary(num // 2) print(num % 2, end='') # decimal number number = int(input("Enter any decimal number: ")) decimalToBinary(number)
2. Python program to convert decimal number to binary using bin() function
In this program, we are using a in-built function bin() to convert the decimal number to binary.
# decimal number number = int(input("Enter any decimal number: ")) # print equivalent binary number print("Equivalent Binary Number: ", bin(number))
Enter any decimal number: 42 Equivalent Binary Number: 0b101010
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