In this post we are discussing two functions which operates on strings. These functions are fn:trim() and fn:startsWith(). Function fn:trim() removes spaces from beginning and… [Read More]
fn:substring(), fn:substringAfter() & fn:substringBefore() Functions
In this tutorial we will discuss fn:substring (), fn:substringAfter() and fn:substringBefore() functions of JSTL. All of these functions are used for getting a part of the string… [Read More]
fn:join() and fn:split() JSTL Functions
In this tutorial we will see fn:join() and fn:split() functions of JSTL. fn:join() It concatenates the strings with a given separator and returns the output… [Read More]
fn:toUpperCase() – JSTL Function
It is just opposite of fn:toLowerCase() function. It converts input string to a uppercase string. All the characters of input string gets replaced with corresponding… [Read More]
fn:toLowerCase() – JSTL Function
This function converts a string into lowercase string. Any upper case character in the input string is replaced with the corresponding lowercase character. Syntax String… [Read More]
fn:replace() – JSTL Function
It search for a string in the input and replace it with the provided string. The following is the basic syntax of fn:replace() function. Syntax… [Read More]
fn:length() – JSTL Function
The JSTL function fn:length() is used for computing the length of a string or to find out the number of elements in a collection. Syntax… [Read More]
fn:indexOf() – JSTL Function
fn:indexOf() function is used for finding out the start position (index) of a string in the provided string. Syntax int indexOf(String, String ) The return… [Read More]
fn:escapeXml() – JSTL Function
fn:escapeXml() JSTL function is used for HTML/XML character escaping which means it treats html/xml tags as a string rather than markup tags. It is similar… [Read More]
fn:endsWith() – JSTL Function
fn:endsWith() function is used for checking the suffix of a string. It checks whether the given string ends with a particular string. The validation is… [Read More]
fn:containsIgnoreCase() – JSTL Function
In the last tutorial we learnt about fn:contains() function which is used for case sensitive checking. In this post we are going to see fn:containsIgnoreCase()… [Read More]
fn:contains() – JSTL Function
fn:contains() function checks whether the given string is present in the input as sub-string. It does a case sensitive check, which means it considers the… [Read More]
JSTL <c:param> Core Tag
<c:param> JSTL tag is mostly used with <c:url> and <c:redirect> tags. Basically it adds parameter and their values to the output of these tags. In… [Read More]
JSTL <c:import> Core Tag
JSTL <c:import> tag is used for importing the content from another file/page to the current JSP page. Syntax: <c:import var=”variable_name” url=”relative_url”/> Here variable_name is a… [Read More]
JSTL <c:url> Core Tag
<c:url> JSTL tag is used for url formatting or you can say url encoding. This is mainly used when we need to open a JSP… [Read More]