We can convert a float to String using any of the following two methods:
1) Method 1: Using String.valueOf(float f): We pass the float value to this method as an argument and it returns the string representation of it.
Method declaration:
public static String valueOf(float f)
f – represents the float value that we want to convert to String
A string that represents the float f
float fvar = 1.17f; String str = String.valueOf(fvar);
2) Method 2: Using Float.toString(float f): This method works similar to the String.valueOf(float) method except that it belongs to the Float class. This method takes float value and converts it into the string representation of it. For e.g. If we pass the float value 1.07f to this method, it would be returning string “1.07” as an output.
Method declaration:
public static String toString(float f)
f – float value
String representing f.
float fvar2 = -2.22f; String str2 = Float.toString(fvar2);
Example: Converting float to String
In this program we have two float variables, we are converting them to strings using different-2 methods. We are converting first float variable to string using valueOf(float) method while we are using toString(float) method to convert the second float variable. This example demonstrates the use of both the above mentioned methods.
package com.beginnersbook.string; public class FloatToString { public static void main(String[] args) { /* Method 1: using valueOf() method * of String class. */ float fvar = 1.17f; String str = String.valueOf(fvar); System.out.println("String is: "+str); /* Method 2: using toString() method * of Float class */ float fvar2 = -2.22f; String str2 = Float.toString(fvar2); System.out.println("String2 is: "+str2); } }
String is: 1.17 String2 is: -2.22
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