The append() method of Java StringBuilder class is used to append a specified value at the end of this character sequence.
Syntax of append() Method:
//append string "hello" at the end of sb sb.append("hello"); //append the string "xyz" at the end of sb char[] chArray = {'x', 'y', 'z'} sb.append(chArray);
Here, sb is an object of StringBuilder class.
append() Description
public StringBuilder append(char c): This method appends specified char c at the end of the char sequence represented by StringBuilder object. There are several variations of this method that allow various data types to be appended. These variations are:
public StringBuilder append(int i); public StringBuilder append(long l); public StringBuilder append(double d); public StringBuilder append(char c); public StringBuilder append(float f); public StringBuilder append(String str); public StringBuilder append(char[] str); public StringBuilder append(boolean b); public StringBuilder append(char[] str, int offset, int len); public StringBuilder append(CharSequence cs); public StringBuilder append(CharSequence cs, int start, int end); public StringBuilder append(Object obj); public StringBuilder append(StringBuffer sb);
append() Parameters
The append() method parameters are:
- offset: It specifies the position in the sequence.
- start: Integer index that represents the start of the subsequence that needs to be appended. (See example below)
- end: It represents the end of the subsequence that needs to be appended.
- i, l, d, f, ch, b: Represents the values of data types that needs to appended using append() method.
- str: String that is appended in the given StringBuilder character sequence.
append() Return Value
- Returns a StringBuilder instance that contains the appended value.
If specified offsets are invalid then this method throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Example 1: Append int, float, long, double, char and boolean
public class JavaExample { public static void main(String[] args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Text"); sb.append(1);//append int System.out.println(sb); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("Text"); sb2.append(true); //append boolean System.out.println(sb2); StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder("Text"); sb3.append(2.5f); //append float System.out.println(sb3); StringBuilder sb4 = new StringBuilder("Text"); sb4.append(1000.555); //append double System.out.println(sb4); StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder("Text"); sb5.append(50L); //append long System.out.println(sb5); StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder("Text"); sb6.append('Z'); //append char System.out.println(sb6); } }

Example 2: StringBuilder append(char[] str, int offset, int len)
public class JavaExample { public static void main(String[] args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("BeginnersBook"); System.out.println("Sequence :"+sb); char[] chArray = {'a','b','c','.','c','o','m'}; // appending elements of char array from 4th till 7th sb.append(chArray, 3, 4); System.out.println("New Sequence: " + sb); } }

Example 3: StringBuilder append(CharSequence cs, int start, int end)
public class JavaExample { public static void main(String[] args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("BeginnersBook"); System.out.println("Old Sequence :"+sb); CharSequence cs = ""; // appending chars of given char sequence from 6 to 10th sb.append(cs, 6, 10); System.out.println("New Sequence: " + sb); } }

Example 4: StringBuilder append(Object obj)
public class JavaExample { public static void main(String[] args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Text"); System.out.println("Given Sequence :"+sb); Object obj = "MyObject";//string object Object obj2 = 100L; //long object Object obj3 = 102.5f; //float object //appending All three objects at the end of sequence sb.append(obj); sb.append(obj2); sb.append(obj3); System.out.println("New Sequence: " + sb); } }

Example 5: StringBuilder append(StringBuffer sb)
public class JavaExample { public static void main(String[] args) { StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder("Text"); System.out.println("StringBuilder object :"+sBuilder); StringBuffer sBuffer =new StringBuffer("NewString"); // appending string buffer sBuilder.append(sBuffer); // print StringBuilder System.out.println("StringBuilder obj after append: " + sBuilder); } }

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