The offsetByCodePoints(int index, int codePointOffset) method returns the index of a character that is offset from the given index by the specified code points. Syntax… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder codePointBefore()
Java StringBuilder codePointBefore(int index) method returns the unicode code point for the character before the specified index. For example, sb.codePointBefore(5) would return the code point… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder codePointCount()
Java StringBuilder codePointCount(int beginIndex, int endIndex) returns the code point count between the specified indexes. In this tutorial, we will discuss codePointCount() method with examples…. [Read More]
Java StringBuilder appendCodePoint()
Java StringBuilder appendCodePoint(int codePoint) Method appends string representation of the specified code point to this sequence. In this guide, we will discuss appendCodePoint() method with… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder codePointAt()
Java StringBuilder codePointAt(int index) method returns a code point value of the character present at the specified index. A code point is a numeric value… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder subSequence()
Java StringBuilder subSequence() method returns a sub sequence based on the start and end indexes. As we know, StringBuilder is a char sequence, the subSequence()… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder setCharAt()
Java StringBuilder setCharAt() method sets a specified character at the given index. This method changes the character sequence represented by StringBuilder object as it replaces… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder deleteCharAt()
In this guide, we will discuss the Java StringBuilder deleteCharAt() method with examples. Syntax of deleteCharAt() Method: sb.deleteCharAt(3); //deletes char present at index 3 Here… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder getChars()
In this guide, we will discuss Java StringBuilder getChars() method with examples. Syntax of getChars() method: //it will copy the sb char sequence from 1… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder setLength()
Java StringBuilder setLength() method is used to set a new length to the existing StringBuilder sequence. If the new length is greater than the current… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder toString()
Java StringBuilder toString() method returns the string representation of the character sequence. As we learned in previous tutorial StringBuilder in Java that a StringBuilder instance… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder reverse()
Java StringBuilder reverse() method is used to reverse a given character sequence. Syntax of reverse() method: sb.reverse(); //reverses the string represented by sb Here, sb… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder replace()
In this tutorial, we will discuss Java StringBuilder replace() method with the help of examples. Syntax of replace() method: //replace substring from index 4 to… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder length()
Java StringBuilder length() method returns the length of the string. The StringBuilder instance represents a character sequence, the length() method returns the total number of… [Read More]
Java StringBuilder insert()
The insert() method of Java StringBuilder class is used to insert the given element at the specified position in this character sequence. The Syntax of… [Read More]