The goto statement is rarely used because it makes program confusing, less readable and complex. Also, when this is used, the control of the program won’t be easy to trace, hence it makes testing and debugging difficult.
C – goto statement
When a goto statement is encountered in a C program, the control jumps directly to the label mentioned in the goto stateemnt
Syntax of goto statement in C
goto label_name; .. .. label_name: C-statements
Flow Diagram of goto
Example of goto statement
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int sum=0; for(int i = 0; i<=10; i++){ sum = sum+i; if(i==5){ goto addition; } } addition: printf("%d", sum); return 0; }
Explanation: In this example, we have a label addition
and when the value of i (inside loop) is equal to 5 then we are jumping to this label using goto. This is reason the sum is displaying the sum of numbers till 5 even though the loop is set to run from 0 to 10.
my name is sudheer from starting stage learn c this beginners book is very helpfull. it is very easy to understand all thank you sir.
Atul says
Before reading this i was so confused in goto statement. Now there’s. Not a single doubt.. thanks
DRobin says
I have discovered (the hard way) that goto works only going forward in the code; it can’t be used to loop back to previous code.