A static variable is common to all the instances (or objects) of the class because it is a class level variable. In other words you can say that only a single copy of static variable is created and shared among all the instances of the class. Memory allocation for such variables only happens once when the class is loaded in the memory.
Like variables we can have static block, static method and static class, to read about them refer: static keyword in java.
Static variable Syntax
static keyword followed by data type, followed by variable name.
static data_type variable_name;
As I mentioned above that the static variables are shared among all the instances of the class, they are useful when we need to do memory management. In some cases we want to have a common value for all the instances like global variable then it is much better to declare them static as this can save memory (because only single copy is created for static variables).
lets understand this with an example:
Static variable example in Java
class VariableDemo { static int count=0; public void increment() { count++; } public static void main(String args[]) { VariableDemo obj1=new VariableDemo(); VariableDemo obj2=new VariableDemo(); obj1.increment(); obj2.increment(); System.out.println("Obj1: count is="+obj1.count); System.out.println("Obj2: count is="+obj2.count); } }
Obj1: count is=2 Obj2: count is=2
As you can see in the above example that both the objects are sharing a same copy of static variable that’s why they displayed the same value of count.
Example 2: Static Variable can be accessed directly in a static method
class JavaExample{ static int age; static String name; //This is a Static Method static void disp(){ System.out.println("Age is: "+age); System.out.println("Name is: "+name); } // This is also a static method public static void main(String args[]) { age = 30; name = "Steve"; disp(); } }
Age is: 30 Name is: Steve
Static variable initialization
- Static variables are initialized when class is loaded.
- Static variables are initialized before any object of that class is created.
- Static variables are initialized before any static method of the class executes.
Default values for static and non-static variables are same.
primitive integers(long
, short
etc): 0
primitive floating points(float
, double
): 0.0
boolean: false
object references: null
Static final variables
The static final variables are constants. Lets have a look at the code below:
public class MyClass{ public static final int MY_VAR=27; }
Note: Constant variable name should be in Caps! you can use underscore(_) between.
1) The above code will execute as soon as the class MyClass
is loaded, before static method is called and even before any static variable can be accessed.
2) The variable MY_VAR
is public which means any class can use it. It is a static variable so you won’t need any object of class in order to access it. It’s final so the value of this variable can never be changed in the current or in any class.
Key points:
final variable always needs initialization, if you don’t initialize it would throw a compilation error. have a look at below example-
public class MyClass{ public static final int MY_VAR; }
Error: variable MY_VAR might not have been initialized
Poonam Marathe says
where static variables are get stored?and how they work?
Kiran says
Heap memory
subhani says
Static variables stored in static memory . If you write 2 static methods in your code, while executing java program class loader first load the class and then look for how many static methods in program ,let us assume in our program we have 2 , so it’s create memory for those in static area. These all process running under JRE. Class loader and JVM helps to storing and allocated memory to static variable. After that garbage collector check the any wastage memory in code or not.
Niru says
in the first example,we have to call the variable in a static way since it
is a static variable…
swetha says
Can we access static variables through objects?
Moe says
Yes we can access. All objects will get same copy of static variable
fayaz says
Hi Swetha,
Yes we can access static variable through objects or by directly using class name.Please correct me if i am wrong.
Sri says
when you have three variable like
int rollNumber;
String SchoolName
String StudentName
Which one we have to make static and final. Why?
Can anyone explain me this?
Govardhan Matkar says
Hi Siri
We gives static keyword to those variables who initialise only once
but here we can give static final keyword to school name
It will not change coz of final and
It will accessible in whole program becoz of static keyword
Pls correct me if I am wrong