Java Integer parseInt() method returns int value after parsing the given string using the specified radix. If radix is not provided, then it uses 10… [Read More]
Java Integer numberOfTrailingZeros() Method
The numberOfTrailingZeros() method of Integer class, returns number of zero-bits after the last one-bit in the binary representation of the given int number. Returns 32… [Read More]
Java Integer numberOfLeadingZeros() Method
The numberOfLeadingZeros() method of Integer class, returns number of 0’s bits before the first one-bit in the binary representation of the given int number. If… [Read More]
Java Integer longValue() Method
The longValue() method of Integer class, returns the value represented by this Integer object as long. Since the size of long is greater than the… [Read More]
Java Integer intValue() Method
The intValue() method of Integer class returns the value of this Integer object as int. You can use this method for Integer to int conversion…. [Read More]
Java Integer min() Method
The min() method of Integer class, returns smaller of two int numbers passed as arguments to this method. It works similar to Math.min() method. Hierarchy:… [Read More]
Java Integer max() Method
The max() method returns greater of two int numbers passed as arguments to this method. It works similar to Math.max() method. Hierarchy: java.lang Package ->… [Read More]
Java Integer lowestOneBit() Method
The lowestOneBit() method of Integer class, returns an int value with a single one bit in the position of the lowest order. This is determined… [Read More]
Java Integer highestOneBit() Method
The highestOneBit() method of Integer class, returns an int value with a single one bit in the position of the highest order. This is determined… [Read More]
Java Integer hashCode() Method
The hashCode() method returns a hash code for the given integer value. Syntax of hashCode() method The following variation of hashCode() method does not accept… [Read More]
Java Integer getInteger() Method
The getInteger() method of Integer class, returns the integer value of the system property with the specified property name. Hierarchy: java.lang Package -> Integer Class… [Read More]
Java Integer floatValue() Method
Java Integer floatValue() method returns the value of this Integer object as float after performing widening primitive conversion (Integer -> float). Hierarchy: java.lang Package ->… [Read More]
Java Integer equals() Method
Java Integer equals(Object obj) method compares this Integer object to the given object obj. It returns true if both the objects contain same int value… [Read More]
Java Integer doubleValue() Method
The doubleValue() method returns the value of this Integer as double after performing widening primitive conversion. Hierarchy: java.lang Package -> Integer Class -> doubleValue() Method… [Read More]
Java Integer divideUnsigned() Method
The divideUnsigned() method returns the unsigned quotient after dividing first argument by second argument. Syntax of divideUnsigned() method public static int divideUnsigned(int dividend, int divisor)… [Read More]